June 7, 2017

Mike Safo with Alex Owumi and Damien Echols

Mike Safo with Alex Owumi and Damien Echols
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Mike Safo

Interview with Alex Owumi and Damien Echols

Get ready to listen to this episode on the edge of your seats as Alex Owumi takes us through his heartbreaking and heroic tale of playing basketball for Qaddafi in Libya and being trapped in his apartment as the uprising took place. Alex tells us about his awesome new trilogy that he’s writing called “The Fire Raven”. I sit back and relax as Damien Echols and Alex really open up to each other and tell stories of making movies in Hollywood, writing bestselling books and overcoming some of the most difficult situations any human can ever be put in. Listen as Alex tells us how he obtained Kevin Durant’s shorts, his predictions for the NBA Finals, and working at the JCC. Damien and Alex immediately connect and absolutely steal the show!