Mike Safo with Author, Poet & Rhodes Scholar, Mark Abley

Interview with Mark Abley
Joined today by Rhodes scholar, poet and author Mark Abley. Mark talks about his allegiance to Red Wings hockey, the Rough Riders and makes his case for Montreal bagels over NYC ones. We chat about his flex being a Rhodes Scholar, the decision to leave Oxford to backpack the "Hippie Trail" and his awesome new book "Strange Bewildering Time: Istanbul to Kathmandu in the last year of the Hippie Trail". Mark reminisces about traveling through Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and other countries in 1978 during the start of the Afghan War and the Iranian Revolution, why he kept writing in his journals and why after 45 years, it was time to write this book. Mark shares what it was like reading the words from his younger self, the differences in travel from then to now, and the differences with the Hippie Trail and the Silk Road. Mark let’s us know about the difficulties of traveling with a friend, if their friendship lasted and what she thought of his book. From other books Mark finds fascinating to his obsession with languages, and much more. Check out Mark's books and site here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Mark-Abley/author/B0B6WVRYJ8?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true