Mike Safo with Brad Balukjian, author of "The Wax Pack"

Interview with Brad Balukjian
Joined today by author of one of the best sports books of the year, The Wax Pack, Brad Balukjian. Brad and I talk about his friendship with The Iron Sheik, why the proposed book idea didn’t happen and how their relationship is now. He shares what inspired him to grab a pack of 1986 Topps baseball cards, open and it and travel the country with the plan of interviewing the ball players. We chat about how he got started on the project, what was his goal and what he thinks of the current card market. We discuss Richie Hebner, Gary Templeton and Carlton Fisk and how he had to balance not fan-boying out and asking difficult questions. Brad tells us about visiting his favorite ball player, Don Caren, growing up and what it was like to hang out with him and have a catch with him. Brad explains why he included personal details from his life into the book such as his OCD, his relationship with his dad and past relationships. From funny stories involving Rick Sutcliffe to the tragic heartbreaking interview with Doc Gooden’s son. Brad takes the reader on a ride through their childhood using our favorite toy, Baseball cards. Follow Brad and purchase the book here. Twitter: https://twitter.com/bradbalukjian Website: https://bradbalukjian.com/ Purchase the book here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZQWSFNK/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1