Jan. 18, 2022

Mike Safo with Cameron Mills 3

Mike Safo with Cameron Mills 3
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Mike Safo

Interview with Cameron Mills

Joined today by newlywed, documentary producer and Kentucky basketball legend, Cameron Mils. Cam talks about his new family, the courting of his wife Susan, the best and worst parts about marriage and how he outkicked his coverage. We talk about the return of Coach Tubby Smith to the Commonwealth, the first thing Coach said to him, and what it meant to see Coach for the first time in forever. Cameron and I talk about the initial thoughts of the ‘98 team when Coach Pitino left, what their goals were and how they handled their early losses to Arizona and Louisville. We touch on his 31 point outburst against Florida, the famous 1998 Championship run and the full investigation into his stolen title ring and how it was recovered years later. He speaks about his father, Terry Mills playing for Coach Rupp and guarding “Pistol” Pete. He shares what it’s like producing his Kentucky documentaries and if there’s a topic he would like to tackle next. We chat a little about Reed Sheppard and Cam’s thoughts about the Kentucky kid staying home. From Seinfeld trivia to making President Clinton laugh at the White House, Cameron always brings his unique storytelling to the podcast. Follow Cam here: https://twitter.com/cameronmillz