June 5, 2023

Mike Safo with David Maraniss, Pulitzer Prize Winning Author

Mike Safo with David Maraniss, Pulitzer Prize Winning Author
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Mike Safo

Interview with David Maraniss

Joined today by Pulitzer Prize winning author, David Maraniss. David and I chat about getting the phone call that he won the Pulitzer, the gifts that come with it and what he did the first time he saw someone reading his book. David talks about his podcast with his daughter “Ink in our blood” and what made him want to venture into that medium. We hear why David makes it a point to visit, and often times, move to the location where the subject of his book is from; and the significance of talking to every possibly person and how he gains their trust. David talks about his latest book “Path Lit by Lighting: The Life of Jim Thorpe”, what made him want to write about him, his legacy, and the biggest misconceptions about him. David and I touch on his other books: “Rome 1960”, their importance and why Rafer Johnson was chosen to be on his cover; “When Pride Still Mattered” and how Packers football is LIFE in Green Bay and his other work.  David tells two amazing stories that you just need to hear: 1. About his relationship with Bill Clinton and the “tie” comment and 2. How he discovered Obama’s NYC girlfriend. All this plus some cool memorabilia he owns, his favorite tv show and his ritual when finishing a book.  Follow David hear: https://davidmaraniss.com/ Buy his books here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/David-Maraniss/author/B000APJ88U?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true And don’t forget his paperback book is out June 7