Mike Safo with Harold Schechter 3

Interview with Harold Schechter
Joined today by my favorite author, true crime extraordinaire and serial killer expert, Dr. Harold Schecter. Harold stopped by Jack Demseys to discuss his incredibly chilling new book “Hell’s Princess: The Mystery of Belle Gunness, Butcher of Men”. Dr. Schechter and I talk about Belle Gunness’ heinous crimes, how she lured men to her farm in Indiana and how she poisoned them and dismembered their bodies. We talk about the mystery that surrounded her death and the rarity of a female serial killer viciously chopping up her victims. Of course Harold and I have some laughs as we discuss what happened to him on his recent Hawaiian vacation. From the new way amazon kindle is producing their e-books to what insanely unique thing Harold collects and more! Visit Harold’s site to get any of his frightening books at haroldschechter.com