Mike Safo with Jeff Levine from Silk City Hot Sauce

Interview with Jeff Levine
Joined today by founder and owner of “Silk City Hot Sauce”, Jeff Levine. Jeff tells me about growing up in New Jersey and how hitchhiking along the East Coast brought him to the Green Mountain State. We hear what made Jeff decide to take his love of hot sauce and turn it into a family business, and how the name “Silk City” came to be. Jeff reveals how he comes up with his crazy hot sauce flavors, who he tests them on, and how he is hustling getting his name out there in an ultra-competitive field. From some of Jeff’s favorite comedians and to a flavor he thought was going to take off but it bombed. All this, plus the first ever hot sauce for ice cream. Follow Jeff and Silk City Hot Sauce on the following platforms. https://www.levinskystopshelf.com/silk-city-hot-sauce https://www.facebook.com/SilkCityHotSauce/ https://twitter.com/silkcityhot