July 14, 2018

Mike Safo with JJ Devaney & Danny Roberts

Mike Safo with JJ Devaney & Danny Roberts
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Mike Safo

Interview with with JJ Devaney & Danny Roberts

On this special World Cup edition of the podcast I’m joined by one half of the ESPN Caught Offside podcast, JJ Devaney and also by soccer guru Danny Roberts. JJ and Danny talk about the previous month of the World Cup, talking about favorite players, best games and of course biggest disappointments. We discuss the nonstop coverage and comparison that the media makes with Messi and Ronaldo and what players became stars during this tournament. JJ goes deep as he thinks this could be the last “traditional” World Cup we see in a long long time and we get the boys’ thoughts on the Final Four and their prediction on who will be hoisting the World Cup trophy. Follow JJ on twitter @JJDevaney and check out his podcast “Caught Offside” and check out Danny on twitter @dannyr302