Mike Safo with Keith O'Brien, New York Times Best-Selling Author

Interview with Keith O'Brien
Joined today by New York Times best selling author, Keith O’Brien. Keith reminisces about growing up in Cincinnati, attending Northwestern and his favorite alumni. Due to my obsession with UK, we chat about his first book “Outside Shot” about Kentucky High School basketball. Then, Keith tells us about finding out he was a New York Times best selling author, how he got notified, and any pressure he feels with the title before his name. We discuss his amazing new book, “Charlie Hustle the Rise and Fall of Pete Rose, and the last glory days of baseball”. He shares why he wanted to write about Pete Rose, getting interviews from all former players, and what makes Pete so fascinating and unique. We go over the myths of Pete Rose: getting the name, Charlie Hustle, how he was drafted because of nepotism, and his meteor rise to the majors. We chat about his Mount Rushmore type of records, why he’s one of the greatest players ever and how that is all overshadowed by his downfall of gambling. We touch base about the carnage he created, life after baseball and much more. From texting with George Foster to cool memorabilia, Keith O'Brien was an incredible guest Follow Keith and purchase his books here: https://www.instagram.com/obrienstory https://x.com/KeithOB