Mike Safo with Michael K. Williams & Lee Abbamonte (Re-Post from 2018)

Interview with Michael K. Williams & Lee Abbamonte
Omar’s coming… BACK to the Mike Safo podcast… the iconic actor Michael K. Williams, aka “Omar” from The Wire and “Chalky White” from Boardwalk Empire” stopped by Jack Demsey’s to join Lee Abbamonte and myself for some shenanigans. Growing up, he was the furthest thing from a gangster kid and now the hipsters are taking over his beloved Brooklyn. Mike talks about his infamous roles as Chalky, and how he parlayed playing Omar on The Wire into meeting President Obama. What it’s like going through the acting and auditioning process and how I’m trying to find him a role that’s not so emotionally draining. He takes his passion for producing to his upcoming documentary, “Diamond in the Rough” on HBO which touches close to home. Things get personal during the filming of “The Night Of” as he tells us about his family members in the system. We hear Mike tell the story of his infamous scar, and how he came in contact with the person who gave it to him twice in his life. From playing and meeting Rick Ross to trying to smoke weed with Tupac and much, much more… over 90 minutes of me, Lee and Michael K. Williams! Check out Mike and Lee’s websites here.. http://www.michaelkennethwilliams.com/ http://www.leeabbamonte.com/