Mike Safo with NYPD Chief Joe Fox

Interview with Joe Fox
Joined today by 38-year veteran of the NYPD, former Chief of Transit and Brooklyn South, Joe Fox. Before we discuss his legendary career in law enforcement we talk about the Chief’s passion of traveling and photography. We hear about his vacation to Hawaii and participating in the lantern lighting festival to traveling to Washington D.C., and hanging in the White House and being in the same room as President Trump. We talk about his involvement with the incredible organization 5 Star Alliance. He discusses what made him follow in his father's footsteps to serve and protect. Joe shares some hilarious stories, such as declaring a woman D.O.A. while he was a rookie cop only to find out she was still living. We hear about policing NYC in the 1980’s during the crack wars, riots and record setting crime rates. He also tells us a never before told story about the tragic assault on Loumia and how his reputation helped somewhat heal community problems. The tragic event of September 11th hit close to home and we hear how Chief Fox dealt with the loss of his godson/nephew as a member of FDNY, and how he had to be a rock for the NYPD as well as his family and how he got his laughter back after those dark times. From meeting Al Pacino to the gentrification of NYC, Chief Fox shows why he is a legend with the NYPD and to all of the people of New York City.