Mike Safo with Steve Hytner aka Kenny Bania

Interview with Steve Hytner aka Kenny Bania
Joined today by Steve Hytner, name doesn’t ring a bell? Kenny Bania from Seinfeld but he’s way more than that. Steve stops by the Westwood One studios to talk about his new podcast “That’s Gold”. We talk about how his show is gonna focus on “guy talk”, gambling, tequila and more. Steve tells the greatest 5 team parlay story involving a murdering gypsy. Then we get down to business. Steve is in town because the Brooklyn Cyclones are honoring him with a bobblehead at Seinfeld night so we talk about Steve auditioning for different parts on the show, his first appearance and how nervous he was all the way to the finale. Laughs and good storytelling occupy this episode. Follow Steve on twitter @Hytner and on his website stevehytner.com